Jun 26, 2019
On this episode your co-hosts YeaJean and Martheya interview Greta Schoenberg the founder of the San Francisco Dance Film Festival (SFDFF). A Northern California native, Greta danced with the Norwegian National Ballet and in Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and San Francisco. Her short dance films have screened in festivals across the US and abroad, including in the UK, Hong Kong, Mexico and Brazil. She founded the SFDFF in 2010, which was recognized with a GOLDIE Award (Guardian Outstanding Local Discovery) by the San Francisco Bay Guardian in 2014 and an Izzie (Isadora Duncan Dance Award) in 2015, and is now launching its tenth anniversary season. SFDFF is an international platform for the presentation and development of dance-based films. Its purpose is to celebrate the best dance films from around the world and to support choreographers and filmmakers in the creation of new dance works created for the screen. On this episode, we talk about developing a career in dance post graduation, starting the San Francisco Dance Film Festival/Dance Film SF, shifts in camera and film technology and distribution, evolution of art promotion, and how social media creates a larger field of artists which yields more risk taking and innovative art making.