Nov 13, 2019
On this episode your co-hosts Martheya and Reyna interview Lynn Lane. Lynn Lane is the founder/artistic director/sound artist of The Transitory Sound and Movement Collective (TSMC). Lynn has had a long history in the arts and is currently the official photographer for the Houston Grand Opera and the Alley Theatre. His work has been shown nationally and internationally in galleries/museums as a photographer, filmmaker and artist. His history of performance began in the early 90’s in the gallery scene and well as creating many site-specific pieces which now carries on through the TSMC. He is represented in New York for his furniture design and has served on the Advisory Board for the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (NYC). He has curated projects at the Anthology Film Archives (NYC), taught documentary filmmaking in conjunction with the NYC school district, written for International Documentary Magazine and was represented in London/NYC for his documentary work. Currently, Lynn’s focus is solely on his photography and the development of experiential work with the TSMC. On this episode, we go behind the screen of Lynn’s career discussing the goal of dance photography, light/shadow/movement, bad dance photography, tips and tricks for studying dance photography, the importance of a private creative process, how TSMC blurs the lines as an experimental sculpture that lives and converses in front of their audience, and how social media opens a global dialogue.
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